
Price list for the most common services. For other services please contact us.

Fees for dogs

Consultation 700kr

Home consultation 1760kr

Vaccination incl. health check 750kr

Passport issue 500kr

Home vaccination 1860 kr

Nail trimming 200kr

Descaling of teeth incl. anesthesia 1650kr

Spay (ovariohysterectomy) from 4200kr

Castration from 2700kr

Euthanasia from 1320kr

Cremation from 570kr

Home euthanasia supplement 1100kr

X-ray examination from 3000kr (excl. consultation and anesthesia)

You are welcome to call us for further information

When we are trimming nails, we do it with out sedating the pet. Simply because it’s a painless procedure.
To ensure that the treatment is safe and quick, our nurse Michael holds the pet while Genevieve performs the trim.


Before cleaning


After cleaning

Many pets need regular dental cleaning to give them a happy and painfree long life.
Here at the clinic we prefer to do dental procedures while the pet is sedated. So our Nurse Michael monitors the
anesthesia while Genevieve performs the mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning.

Dental problems can be very painful so that preventive and regular maintenance is recommended.

At a castration operated there through so small an entrance hole as possible. When the operation is finished, shut down the small hole with internal stitches. Which means that it is no longer necessary with collar or other annoying bandages.
The only visible sign when the coat has grown back out, is that the scrotum takes up less space.

The operation is supervised by our nurse Michael, who during the whole operation shall ensure that the dog is sedated in the best possible way. After surgery gets wounded lasered in order to speed up the healing process.